The NZ Radio Awards
Since 2009, Satellite have provided the online solution for radio stations to submit their entries for the New Zealand Radio Awards.
How it works
All of New Zealand’s radio stations have access to our online portal. Once a year they’re asked to submit their best bits into various categories, to be considered by the judges. The system allows them to upload any kind of media format including video, audio, images and copy and store them against the right categories.
Once entries are in, Judges are invited to login to the system where they see all the entries they’ve been assigned to judge.
All judging is secure and only the site administrators can see who’s judging what, and their decisions.

Live streaming
For the last four years Satellite have also been involved in live streaming the event. Camera feeds are run directly into Brightcove, which compresses and encodes the footage on the fly and makes it available to embed on the Radio Awards website. For all those who can't attend the Auckland based awards night in person, they get to experience the event in real time.