Australian Fashion Week 2024

Australian Fashion Week is Australia’s biggest global fashion platform and the largest most influential fashion event in the Asia-Pacific. Held annually in Sydney each May, the event features the industry’s biggest names alongside the next generation of Australian designers defining the future of Australian fashion.

Satellite was engaged by IMG to help deliver this huge calendar event. Overall deliverables included the invitation, ticketing, seating & management of all attendees, plus access control at the event. The event platform was configured in Satellite’s live events platform Tag. The platform streamlines the intricacies of event management into a single, easy-to-use tool.

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Event Management

Satellite was responsible for designing & developing delegate registration, ticketing for shows, portals for designers to invite & seat guests and partners to manage tickets & guest passes. Plus managing the accreditation and access control at the event.

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Delegate Registration

AFW were able to invite their local & international VIPs, via a registration site. This captured delegate interest to attend the event across media, industry and buyer categories. AFW were able to review and manage applications in Tag. Triggered email and SMS comms. kept delegates informed of their registration status.

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Ticketing — consumer purchasing tickets to shows

Tag provided the public ticketing for all runway shows, industry talks and masterclasses across the week. People could select their seats when purchasing tickets and login to personalise and send tickets to others. Tickets included their seat number and a unique barcode that they used for show entry.

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Designer portals — inviting guests

The fashion designers who had industry runway shows had their own portal in Tag where they could view & invite delegates to their shows, plus add their own guests. They could customise an RSVP template in Tag to send invitations, with management tools such as resending and expiring invite links available in Tag for them to use. A reporting dashboard gave them full insight into invite status, plus progress on seating.

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Seating guests to shows

For seating guests to industry shows, designers had a custom floorplan created for their show in Tag. This enabled them to seat individual guests, with options to bulk seat guests and download a seated list. Once seated, tickets to guests were sent out from Tag via email and SMS, which included their allocated seat. All delegates were sent a personalised mobisite with a single ticket to all shows - the shows they were invited to were published in real time to their mobisite.

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Partner portals — managing allocated tickets

All AFW partners and sponsors had their own portal in Tag where they could view their allocated tickets to various shows, plus personalise and email invitations with tickets to their guests.

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Accreditation at the event

Satellite was responsible for all accreditation at the event across the week. This included backstage staff, ‘access all areas’ staff, crew and media. This ensured all those involved had the correct level of access and ease of movement across the venue for security purposes, plus making sure key stakeholders had the appropriate level of care and service at the event.  Satellite was responsible for lanyards and passes, plus managing the registration kiosk at the event.

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Access control & scanning tickets

Satellite’s event and activation team was responsible for all access control on-site. This included scanning multiple types of tickets on entry across guests. Satellite worked with AFW security and usher teams to deliver a seamless on-site experience. Tag’s reporting dashboard showed a live number of check-ins to shows, against invite status, helping to inform decisions made by production & security staff on room occupancy and door closing policies.

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Reporting dashboard

Tag has a comprehensive reporting dashboard giving AFW visibility on ticket sales, financial reports and show inventory, plus designer progress reports for seating their shows. This insight helped in show planning and marketing direction and focus in the lead up to the event.

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Access to data in Tag

AFW had access to all data captured pre and during the event, including consumer, delegate, crew and guests. Plus show attendance across the week. This was invaluable in terms of influencing decision making during the week, but also more importantly, helps to formulate strategy and direction for Australian Fashion Week 2025 and beyond.